Monday, June 28, 2010


Last week I met some pretty incredible people. Little did I know that each and everyone of them would change my life a little bit over the next week. They have all taught me to be proud of who you are. These people have inspired me more than anyone I have ever met in my life. They bring such positivity to the people around them and I am blessed to have them in my life. This past weekend we celebrated the gay community in Minneapolis and PRIDE was an experience to remember. I love each and every one of my new friends. Thank you and I love you.

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Hello. My name is Jessica Zelenak, and I am an Insomniac.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

To Do (No Exceptions)

I have been compiling a bucket list since before I could remember and I thought I would document it online so I would always have record of it. So without further adue:

- See the New York City skyline
- Write a book/ create a coffee table book
- Walk the Santa Monica pier
- Read abook cover to cover in 1 day
- Make it to Ireland
- Create a painting larger than 4' x 4'
- Ride a train
- Send a message in a bottle
- Ballroom dance with the love of my life
- See the sun rise
- Roadtrip cross-country
- Learn how to drive a stick shift convertible with the top down
- Tell someone the story of my life without sparing any details
to be continued...